Thursday 27 October 2016

Out of Place – Guide to Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation

Have experienced these symptoms of late?
  • Pain caused by shoulder injury&
  • Repeated shoulder dislocations
  • Repeated instances of the shoulder giving out
  • the shoulder persistently starts feeling loose, slipping in and out of the joint
If the answer is yes to any of these factors, consider visiting a shoulder surgeon /specialist. The above- mentioned symptoms point to a troubling condition known as recurrent shoulder dislocation.
The shoulder joint in our body gels well with the term ‘feeling out of place’. Able to move in multiple directions, your shoulder can dislocate forward, backward or downward, completely or partially. Though on the other hand, it’s not that fragile too. It requires a strong force, such as a sudden blow to your shoulder, to pull the bones out of place.
But, in some cases, the shoulder acts tough to get in place. When a shoulder dislocation occurs, the ligaments, tendons, and muscles around the shoulder can become loose or torn. These results in a troubling condition called recurrent shoulder dislocation.
Three common reasons behind this condition are:
Shoulder Dislocation
Severe injury, or trauma, often triggers the initial shoulder dislocation. A severe first dislocation can lead to continued dislocations.
Repetitive Strain
Repetitive overhead motion can stretch out the shoulder ligaments. This can loosen the ligaments in the shoulder and weaken the shoulder over time. This can result in a painful, unstable shoulder.
And when it does come down to surgery, the preferred option is arthroscopic
Key to Recovery
God forbid, if you happen to experience these issues, ensure to follow your doctor’s treatment plan. This entire process may come across as long and tedious. But patience is key here, for your shoulder to get its groove back!